Yes! I have a Public Game Release v.0.1

Discover new meetings platform that brings back 2D games feelings and allows to schedule video calls

Now you can

  • Create personal space for meeting
  • Fun with your friends and colleagues


I need your feedback and any ideas! You can send it at github.

What about money?

Currently we have a beta-version and don't have commercial plans. Feel free to use this platform for your meetings, meetups or conferences. If you've faced with any issues while using this platform or have a сommercial offer please reach out to us!
Cash Money
Photo by NeONBRAND / Unsplash

What about feature and plans?

I have a big backlog for this product.

In first things will be implemented:

  • OAuth with Google and Apple
  • Admin pages for room owners with controlling players
  • SFU webRTC component for massive communications
Photo by Christina @ / Unsplash